Why Jesus Club meant alot to her

Why Jesus Club meant alot to her

Jill holding her new Bible

Dallas, a leader at Jesus Club, used to live about 10 houses away from Jill, and would often see her and her mum walk their dog in the neighbourhood. When Jesus Club started at the Lower Mountains Anglican Church two years ago, she immediately invited Jill to go along; and to her delight, Jill accepted and has been going ever since.

A quiet lady in her 60s and one of the older members at their Jesus Club, Jill likes to sit with the leaders at club meetings. Although she doesn’t join in too many games, Jill enjoys singing, doing worksheets and crafts, and listening to the Bible talk.

Up until early this year, Jill lived a very sheltered life. She spent her day at workshops, then went home to her loving home and supportive mum in the evening. But life took a traumatic turn recently when her mum had a fall and broke her tail bone. She was admitted into a hospital and became too frail to look after herself and Jill. The family had to find a nursing home for her nearby and also a group home about 15 minutes away for Jill.


"When they packed up their home and reorganised their lives, Jill could take with her only a small selection of special objects, amongst things culled were her many precious china dolls. 

Thankfully, amongst all the upheaval, Jill was able to lean on Jesus Club and their leaders for comfort, "[Jesus Club] became the constant in her life."

One Leader, Alison, made a special effort to care for her in this time. With a mum who is the same age as Jill's mum, Alison has developed a unique bond with Jill. She invites them for lunch, and Jill is so happy whenever she sees Alison. 

Last year, when one of their leaders accompanied Jill to the Koorong bookshop to get a bible for herself, Jill promptly picked up the same Bible they use at Jesus Club Lower Mountains. She now brings it to every meeting and likes to open it and refer to it. 

The leaders know that Jesus Club has become very dear to Jill and clearly, it's where she feels valued and loved. Recently, they have been especially encouraged by Jill expressing a desire to go to church, and with the help of Jesus Club leaders, she will be getting to one very soon.